Our purpose is to promote the stature and awareness of colored pencil art as a viable art form and to provide a forum for the education of, communication with, and the recognition of colored pencil artists.
CPSA Detroit 104 always welcomes new members desiring to join our ever-growing community!
All members can enjoy these benefits:
•Exposure on the CPSA Detroit website
•Free bi-monthly newsmagazine
•Free mini workshops
•One- and two-day workshops with locally and nationally known colored pencil artists
•Opportunity to enter local, regional, and national exhibitions
•Gain and share information on products, techniques, and events
•Communication with, and access to, colored pencil artists — locally and internationally
•Free to join the bi-monthly meetings with special guest speakers, demonstrations, finished artwork critiques, and more!
To become a member, simply download the sign-up form PDF ABOVE, print it out, fill in the necessary information, and send it in with the low, annual $20 membership fee. Some browsers have the ability to display .PDF files in the browser window. Just left click on the image and the form will appear in your browser. You can then print it out from there.
Or if you prefer...
To download, simply right click on the image or on the link below and choose "Save Target As..." from the contextual menu that appears. This will save the file onto your hard drive. (Depending on which browser you use, "Save Target As..." might be worded differently.)
The membership form is in the .PDF format. Most current versions of popular operating systems (Windows, Mac, and Linux) come with the free Adobe Reader software. If your computer doesn't have this program, you can get it for free by visiting Adobe's website. Follow this link: Download the free Adobe Reader